A resource for public-sector labor relations and human resources professionals
Members work in all areas of the public sector throughout the state representing management at the bargaining table with public unions.
Learn from the experts and advance your careers thru our Education program!
Join the more than 2400 members across the country for HR/LR resources and training
Our advocates work hard to pass legislation that affects many labor issues
A Membership with Lasting Value
As a member, you will be able to draw from this vast pool of resources and you will have the opportunity to contribute as well.
AZPELRA is affiliated with the National Public Employer Labor Relations Association (National Pelra). Your membership with AZPELRA is joint membership in the National Pelra.
National Pelra
We Bring the Right People Together to Challenge Established
Thinking and Drive Transformation.
National Pelra is a network of state and regional affiliates with over 2,400 members around the country. The governmental agencies represented in National Pelra employ more than four million workers in federal, state, and local government.
A voluntary association, which is devoted to serving public bodies
AZPELRA is improves labor and personnel relations in the public sector through direct advice, counsel and advocacy to the state legislature, and AZPELRA members.
National Conference
Join us for our Annual Training Conference (ATC). View the schedule and register now!
Calendar of Events
See what events we have in store on our Calendar. Academies, Webinars, Training and more.
State Conference
Join us for a three packed days of training and fun events!
We Bring the Right People Together to Challenge Established
Thinking and Drive Transformation.
National Pelra is a network of state and regional affiliates with over 2,400 members around the country. The governmental agencies represented in National Pelra employ more than four million workers in federal, state, and local government.