Arizona Public Employer Labor Relations Association

About AZPelra

... through direct advice, counsel and advocacy to the state legislature, members of governing bodies and public administrators, and Pelra members.

Excellent communication is what we pride ourselves on!


AZPELRA is an affiliate chapter of the National Public Employer Labor Relations Association (Npelra), and through that national network, forms a key professional link with other state Pelra chapters, such as those in Arizona, Illinois, New York, Wisconsin, Minnesota, and several others. Your annual dues also includes membership in NPELRA at one low price! Through the state organization and our national contacts, AZPELRA members receive professional publications that are not available anywhere else.

Supreme Court Hands Down Janus Opinion

(Top News)

The US Supreme Court has ruled in favor of Janus. Justice Alito states “We conclude that this arrangement violates the free speech rights of nonmembers by compelling them to subsidize private speech on matters of substantial public concern.” Alito continues, “ Abood was poorly reasoned. It has led to practical problems and abuse. It is inconsistent with other First Amendment cases and has been undermined by more recent decisions.

A voluntary association, which is devoted to serving public bodies.

AZPELRA is improves labor and personnel relations in the public sector through direct advice, counsel and advocacy to the state legislature, and AZPELRA members.

  • Education


    Learn from the experts and advance your careers thru our Education program!

  • Membership


    Join the more than 2400 members across the country for HR/LR resources and training

  • Advocacy


    Our advocates work hard to pass legislation that affects many labor issues

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